Tuesday, April 27, 2010


It's amazing what a simple idea can become! From the simple idea of opening a store, came a huge change in our lives of moving to a different city and going through all the changes we've been through. I'm very proud of my husband for facing the challenges with his head held high and being so brave while going to the unknown! I'm so proud to see what a successful businessman he has become! I'm also excited that we now have an add of our store on the local TV!! I just don't appear because i didn't know they were going to record that day, and I forgot to use my uniforme, so i figured it wouldn't be cool! Anyway, the add has been on for a week and we already feel the difference!! Amazing the influence tv has!


The 4 Poppies said...

MUITO SHOW!!! Que chique! Parabéns a vocês dois por terem aceito o desafio e saído da sua "zona de conforto"! Parabéns por serem bons no que fazem, e parabéns por aparecerem na TV! :-)

R�bia & Quenani said...

Muito legal a propaganda! Tão na Tv e tudo... que legal! Que traga muitos clientes! Muito sucesso, vocês merecem...

Anonymous said...


SO SO cool!

I too am proud of Neval! AND you for supporting your husband so wonderfully!

I love you guys!!!

Michelle said...

You guys ROCK! NEVAL ROCKS! I'm so proud of you guys. So professional, SO COOL! I'm so happy for you! A big round of applause for you guys!!!!