Sunday, April 18, 2010


i would like to use this post to ask for your advice. i've found myself in an odd situation. It seems i've forgotten how to make new friends!! When i first arrived in rio grande i was caught up in my own little problems and had no desire whatsoever to make the effort of finding new friends. But now that i'm over with some of my issues, i would love to have friends to visit and have them come over to my place, or plan an outing with. You know, those normal things you do with friends! The people we know here now are single and it's hard sometimes to relate with since we don't have that much incomun anymore. So there you have it. What should i do to make new friends? Any advice? I'd honestly love to hear it!!


Wally Family said...

Patricia! This is so funny. I was just telling Mark the same thing tonight: "I've forgotten how to make friends!". I've actually felt this way for awhile. :) For me, I've met some other ladies/mommies I know I *could* be friends with, but in all the busyness of mommyhood, I don't really put in the time to deepen or maintain the friendships, so they don't grow, and sometimes they just fizzle.
Anyway, here's my advice (for what it's worth):
1. If you haven't already, put yourself in situations where you could meet other mommies. (Church? A play group or a Bible study you could join?)

2. (this is the hard one for me, and what I'm starting to work on): Once you've met a couple "potential friends" (or this is probably also good to do with friends you already have): make it a POINT to regularly do little things to maintain the friendship: e-mail them to see how their week is going, set up a time to have them & their kids over for a playtime or go for a walk, think of any needs they might have that you could help out with, whatever. But the point is MAKE A POINT to do it, and then DO it; otherwise in all the busyness of life it may just end up on the backburner and never happen!

Anyway, I hope we are both able to find some more friends soon!!! If we lived a little closer I would totally get together with you. :) - Nikki

thejoys-brazil said...

Nikki, thanks so much for your great advice. You're right, i have to start making a point!! I think the reason it's so hard to do that, is simply because it's so much easier to sit back and wait for others to come after you!! Time to be the one to look for the friends! I'm also happy to know that you understand what i've been feeling! It WOULD be great to live closer so we could hang out!!:)

R�bia & Quenani said...

Eu também já passei por isso algumas vezes... Quando saí de casa pela primeira vez, quando me casei e me mudei de cidade de novo, até mesmo no novo emprego... Apesar de ter parentes por perto, eu não os conhecia bem,foi dificil no inicio! Ir a igreja me ajudou a conhecer pessoas... No trabalho pude ter novos amigos.
Acho que o segredo é conversar com o maior numero de pessoas possiveis! Nem sempre serão muito receptivas. Mas conversar com pessoas que você se esbarra com frequencia, poderão ser amigos em potenciais! No mais, acho que o tempo ajuda muito. Uma amizade pode começar sem você nem perceber!!

thejoys-brazil said...

obrigada Rubia pelo seu conselho...foi muito bom ser lembrado que estas coisas levam tempo! beijão!

Michelle said...

when you figure it out, let me in on the secret....:)

Unknown said...

Sabe, Paty.

É difícil imaginar que você esteja passando por isso... sabe porque? Porque foi você quem conquistou a minha amizade, eu amei ti conhecer e ser sua amiga.. lembro disso com muiiiiiiiiiiiito carinho.
Vou lembrá-lo que voce vez o prestígio e nos chamou pra bater um papo na sua casa... lembro de como fui bem recebida... risos...
Sabe, lembre como fazia antes, coisas simples, são essas coisas que conquistão grandes amigos. Não pense em formúlas grandes, seja você. As pessoas são as vezes difíceis de de doarem, então doe você! Leve um pedaço de bolo a uma vizinha, a uma conhecida na escola, puxe assunto com alguém na igreja, marque de ir a pracinha com alguém que tenha filhos.... você vai fazer sucesso...
.. risos.. ou melhor vem pra São Leopoldo... rsrsrsrsr

Love you