Thursday, April 1, 2010

no title

Time flies by!! I know everyone keeps saying that, but it seems that ever-so-often i'm made aware of this very truth. Looking through some pictures of Julia as a baby today, just shocked me again. It's amazing how quickly one can forget how small ones baby really was!! And now i find myself with a soon-to-be ''independent'' toddler!! When did that happen??!!

Oh! So many regrets! I know that sounds awful, being that she's only 23 months old, but it's true! Where to begin?I regret not taking enough pictures... i regret not completing the baby's first year calendar my mom gave me...not keeping a diary...and most of all for being frustrated with myself for not being the mommy i always imagined myself being!! WOW!! it feels great just admiting to that! And until recently, i'd been caring this weight of frustrations of my own imperfections as a mommy, until i learned a wonderful truth. It may sound simple to you, but it has been an everyday learning process for me. And it is: to live one day at a time! To concure one challenge at a time! No need to create this elution of a perfect scenario (house perfectly organized while the child plays quietly and perfectly in her room)!! In truth, that elution is what brought the feeling of frustration for not making that scenario true!! So my motto now is to: enjoy these rapidly changing phases in my little girls life! The house will always have to be cleaned and cloths will always have to be washed, but these moments in our lives will go flying by. And one regret i don't ever want to have, is letting these sweet moments of so many daily changes in Julia's life, to go by unnoticed! Loving Julia for the person she is and is becoming is my new motto!! The other frustrations regarding the calendar and pictures, are inevitable....i guess i'll have to try harder with the next one...


R�bia & Quenani said...

Oi Paty! Tê-los distantes, me tornou curiosa a acompanhar blogs! O seu blog é muito legal, tem muito de você nele!
Sei que você é uma boa mãe... Dá pra notar de quão doce, carinhosa e alegre Julia é!

Michelle said...

Oh,'re a beautiful person inside and out...the truth is pictures and calendars and diaries are not worth the regret...All that will really matter to Julia is knowing how much she was and always will be loved by her mommy...and that you do undisputably well...